Forgive me in case I start a topic based on my lack of knowledge of how SOLID Project is supposed to work.
What I am signed up to is everyone being able to take control of everything to do with their digital identity. Most people have trusted devices on which they run applications. These devices store usernames and passwords for web based applications and cloud based storage. The likes of Facebook, X and others hold our data and process it to serve their own business model.
Is the future of the SOLID Project (SP) to provide alternatives to these applications based on its principles or to provide a means whereby users reclaim their data and then make it available back to these applications subject to the rules that SP enshrines, which would have to be robust and fair including where required non-repudiation and version control? Of course both can use the same model. Social media applications would have to defer rendering posts to the client side application to ensure that data is subject to the owner’s access controls.
In my mind the forms (including social media posts) I fill in are mechanisms for sharing my personal data. I would expect certain bits of personal data to be automatically extracted. I’d also expect that data such as my date of birth not to be unnecessarily available and access directly to it to be granted only to licensed agencies. Others might be able to get answers to questions such as ‘am I an adult?’.
Fundamental to the protection of my data is its encryption. My devices and the applications they run are the only places where it should be rendered in unencrypted form. My storage is where it is stored in encrypted form within an appropriate container. If quoting of rendered data is permitted by me, then this acts only to create an embedded link - this should be subject to access controls set by me on the quoted data and those quoting etc possibly requiring some excluded entities to request access. All applications should be able construct objects representing some of the data they hold which can be embedded anywhere else just like quoting.
Just think how this forum might be implemented using SP! As things stand these ideas could easily be plagiarised. How should copyright be protected? Well the SP needs to be able to act as a copyright library as well. Maybe the owner needs to be able to register copyright.
Thinking further about this, it would make sense if users have one Pod provider which establishes their identity. Through this the user identifies his devices. The devices then define the allowable Apps. Now the fun starts here because essentially the Apps are a kind of slave Pod with a client and server side, which can access the users most sensitive data in order to locate their Application data held on the slave server databases. The key to all this is to make everything secure and prevent Trojan horse attacks.
Years ago I knew @timbl. We had interesting chats. Right now I am just as interested in High Energy Physics and Cosmology because that was the academic world I gave up. I’d be interested in your thoughts and those of @acoburn .