But this throws an error of Unsupported authorization scheme: [DPoP]. I read the documentation and it expects type UMA. I am unsure how to solve this in order to craft a custom access grant.
The only demo I can see for this API currently is a server example, though, I believe the user needs to use a dedicated access management app (e.g., podbrowser) in order to approve the grant, so that could be it too.
I see, thanks. I took a look at that one and unfortunately it uses the approveAccessRequest function that requires an existing requestVc as an argument (and the ones on the inrupt docs use deprecated examples) - I was hoping the other overloaded method could be used to go ahead and create a grant and issue it to a specific user in another way.
In general, I think the idea is that the access request reaches an authorizing application (something capable of accepting an access grant, e.g., podbrowser) and that an application wishing to access certain resources goes through a redirect flow, hence you’d have an existing requestVc.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the ones on the inrupt docs use deprecated examples” — that certainly shouldn’t be the case, but if it is, do let us know and we can work to correct.