RDFLIB documentation

This thread covers my discoverings on the subject: My first app - adding resources?

I’ve managed to use RDFLIB without any low level HTTP work. Add, Query, Update, Delete works like this:

Adding resource at URL X:

  • Add statements <X, some-predicate, some-value, X> for each property of the resource. Use store.add(X,p,v,X) to save the statements locally;
  • PUT the new statements onto the web: Use fetcher.putBack(X);

Reading list of resources:

  • Load all resources into local store using the fetcher to first load the container and then load each item, one by one, in it.
  • Extract all the found data from the local store. Use store.match(…)

Remove a single resource at url X:

  • Remove the resource from the web. Use fetcher.delete(X).
  • Remove local knowledge of the resource: Use store.removeDocument(X).
  • Remove all local statements: Use store.removeMatches(X);

Update a single resource at url X:

  • Use update-manager.update()
  • Or replace it completely with fetcher.putBack(x) … haven’t tried this though.

And beware that the web-oriented operations in the fetcher are all async using promises.

It took me a while to figure out why my “refresh list” operation did not include a newly added resource. That was because the “put” operation executed asynchronously and did not complete before the refresh list called the server for a an update.

Be careful to add await .then() and .catch() to the right places in your code.

See also my experimental “Object to RDF mapper” at https://github.com/JornWildt/SolidRC/blob/master/wwwroot/js/ORDFMapper.js that includes all the CRUD methods.