by Melvin Carvalho is a bookmarking app developed using the Solid Framework.
Usage Guide
- Goto
- Goto Help – follow the setup guide regarding your publicTypeIndex setup
- Go to About → Recent Bookmarks , and authenticate when prompted (using any service-icon, your WebID, etc.) – Live Refresh (hot cache – authenticated WebIDs only)
- Login and Create your own bookmarks
How it works
Fundamental to any Solid App is the ability to harness the data discovery and exploration prowess of a Semantic Web of Linked Data courtesy of your WebID-Profile document (de-referenced via your WebID) as the launch-point.
Here are the steps:
- Login – this is where WebID authentication happens via identity claims (your credentials) lookup and verification
- Preferences establishment – dynamically determining data storage preferences
- Authorization – passing ACL tests as the first step to performing actua read-write operations
All of the above happens via a Single Page Application (SPA) that delivers and initializes Javascript code wthin the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) sandbox imposed by your Web Browser.
Data Generated
- Bookmarks in my Pod
- Looking at Bookmarks from my Pod via URIBurner Linked Data Browser
- Looking at Bookmarks from my Pod via URIBurner Faceted Browser
- Looking at some basic Bookmark Analytics via URIBurner Faceted Browser
- Bookmarks using a SPARQL Query scoped to RWWCrew Group Members – this is a more flexible query than the original what was scoped to only two WebIDs (privileged user query)
- Variant of Query for Public use – i.e., from cache
- Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks listed in the Markbook app’s dashboard (Privileged)
- Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks list ed in the Markbook app’s dashboard (Public)
- SPARQL Query Definition for Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks listed in the Markbook app’s dashboard
Application Characteristics
- Identity, Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Storage are loosely-coupled
- Single-Page Application Deployment
- Business Model Enforcement via WebACLs and SPARQL Query Page generated via URIBurner Linked Data Transformation Service – cache refresh is a privilege only offered to authenticated users i.e., the public can only read from static cache
- Tweet about Bookmark App
- Recent Bookmarks – Includes Cache Refresh (for Authenticated User Identities)
- Recent Bookmarks Cache Only – (for Public)
- Github Issue Tracking Page for MarkBook App – place to register issues you encounter
- SPARQL Query that includes pragmas for owl:sameAs reasoning and inference (i.e., data smushing/merging based on multiple WebIDs that identify the same person) – this an ACL-protected URI that contrains functionality privileges to authenticated identities