Bookmarking Application by Melvin Carvalho is a bookmarking app developed using the Solid Framework.

Usage Guide

  1. Goto
  2. Goto Help – follow the setup guide regarding your publicTypeIndex setup
  3. Go to AboutRecent Bookmarks , and authenticate when prompted (using any service-icon, your WebID, etc.) – Live Refresh (hot cache – authenticated WebIDs only)
  4. Login and Create your own bookmarks

How it works
Fundamental to any Solid App is the ability to harness the data discovery and exploration prowess of a Semantic Web of Linked Data courtesy of your WebID-Profile document (de-referenced via your WebID) as the launch-point.

Here are the steps:

  1. Login – this is where WebID authentication happens via identity claims (your credentials) lookup and verification
  2. Preferences establishment – dynamically determining data storage preferences
  3. Authorization – passing ACL tests as the first step to performing actua read-write operations

All of the above happens via a Single Page Application (SPA) that delivers and initializes Javascript code wthin the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) sandbox imposed by your Web Browser.

Data Generated

  1. Bookmarks in my Pod
  2. Looking at Bookmarks from my Pod via URIBurner Linked Data Browser
  3. Looking at Bookmarks from my Pod via URIBurner Faceted Browser
  4. Looking at some basic Bookmark Analytics via URIBurner Faceted Browser
  5. Bookmarks using a SPARQL Query scoped to RWWCrew Group Members – this is a more flexible query than the original what was scoped to only two WebIDs (privileged user query)
  6. Variant of Query for Public use – i.e., from cache
  7. Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks listed in the Markbook app’s dashboard (Privileged)
  8. Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks list ed in the Markbook app’s dashboard (Public)
  9. SPARQL Query Definition for Bookmarks dashboard seeded from the Social Network constructed from objects of a foaf:knows entity relationship type (relation) i.e., bookmarkers known to a person identified by the seed WebID will have their bookmarks listed in the Markbook app’s dashboard

Application Characteristics

  1. Identity, Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Storage are loosely-coupled
  2. Single-Page Application Deployment
  3. Business Model Enforcement via WebACLs and SPARQL Query Page generated via URIBurner Linked Data Transformation Service – cache refresh is a privilege only offered to authenticated users i.e., the public can only read from static cache


  1. Tweet about Bookmark App
  2. Recent Bookmarks – Includes Cache Refresh (for Authenticated User Identities)
  3. Recent Bookmarks Cache Only – (for Public)
  4. Github Issue Tracking Page for MarkBook App – place to register issues you encounter
  5. SPARQL Query that includes pragmas for owl:sameAs reasoning and inference (i.e., data smushing/merging based on multiple WebIDs that identify the same person) – this an ACL-protected URI that contrains functionality privileges to authenticated identities

Note that fails. Requires https –

  1. Look at Recent Bookmarks – Live Refresh (hot cache – authenticated WebIDs only)

– is very cryptic.

Maybe –

  1. Go to AboutRecent Bookmarks, and authenticate when prompted (using any service-icon, your WebID, etc.)

Fixed the https: issue.
Applied step 2 reword tweak.

It looks like there are no instructions about setting up a publicTypeIndex when going to Help. Can someone tell me where those instructions have gone?

The publicTypeIndex should be set up automatically by if it is missing

Is this still active anywhere, either the live demo app or the codebase ?

The links were broken for me …

This appears to be the code repo:

Or this one Which was mentionned for github issues.