

Hi everyone. I’m Wouter, a Master Computer Science student at the Free University of Amsterdam. I’m following the track Software Engineering & Green IT and am in the second year.

For my master project I have contacted a researched at my university that is specialized in ICT for Development. After some brainstorming we came with the idea to do research about Solid, as we we’re very interested in the capabilities of Solid and what it stands for. Also, we heard about the call from Tim for a need of new deployments of applications and testing in diverse contexts. Therefore we came with the idea to evaluate how Solid can be applied in low-resource environments (like in third-world countries), with possible barriers and possible new ideas. Another student I’m brainstorming with is also doing a master project around the topic.
We are thinking about the possibilities of creating a proof-of-concept, an application, possible tests in the field and more, but currently we are mostly in a design/planning/experimental phase.

For this reason I wanted to say hi. This forum seems like a great welcoming place to ask questions and I might ask some in the future!
If you have any ideas in mind or suggestions about my master project, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to talking to everyone.