The crystalline pure Water flowing through the beautiful lakes and rivers of the world’s mountains have been a soul beacon for me since early childhood; the gift of being a child nourished by one of the Sacred Water Hearts of the World, Da ow ga (Lake Tahoe) in the High Sierra has defined and guided my life’s journey. Also, I raised my three now grown children as a single mother in this same environment.
I am currently living in the South Yuba Watershed in Northern California, near Nevada City. I am here because I serve my mother in her advancing elder-hood. This has been an incredible time of deepening for the family into greater authenticity with an incredible mother and the rest of my family. I am certainly learning a great deal! I’m playing with my 2 grandbabies, Una age 5 & Aidan age 18 mo. as much as possible.
Professionally, I have been working in film, video and production for 25 years as a freelance editor, graphics creator, writer and cameraperson. Recently I have been moving into web design to stay closer to home (although I still have much to learn). I have chosen visual media as my profession because I realized this is a very direct and powerful way to effect the broadest beneficial changes in humanity. I’m now using this experience in production to communicate my essential Water message to the world.
Since childhood, I’ve been awakening to the intelligent vibrations and mysterious teachings of ‘Water as the Living Conscious Source of Life’ and now consider myself to be a life long dedicated Water Wisdom Guardian. I am continuously reintegrating myself into deeper and wider gratitude within the Water Cycle of LIFE. This awareness has been flowing through me by my finding a practice of daily Water Gratitude and spending a lot of time sitting on her shores listen to her song.
In this Water magic I have found my life purpose … which is to communicate ‘Our Love for Water’ into humanity’s consciousness. I invite every human to join in together in remembrance of our inherent sacred relationship with the Source of ALL Life on Earth … Our One Living Source Water … TIME IS NOW for we are the future of our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
With these simple acts of subtle activism we may come together in shared purpose, awareness, and connection through Our Water. Water heals. As we commit this fluid heart energy into conscious action, we are remembering the core truth of who we are as a species on Earth, all the while honoring and giving deep thanks to what it is that sustains us. Together we connect what has long been separated and celebrate what is most sacred in Life.