Solid Plume - simple blog app

Plume v0.10

I’ve now completed my update of Plume for the time being and provided a simpler deployment path and tagged the release as v0.10.

Status and Changes

Plume is now fairly easy to deploy and very easy to use. All you need is a Solid pod, although it is also easy to deploy it to a separate web server.

I have not added any features. Instead this update is focussed on upgrading Solid to use the latest Solid API (rdflib.js and solid-auth-client), fixing bugs, and streamlining the user experience during first use, post creating and editing, as well as for blog visitors.

I’ve updated the README and provided a Deployment Guide (on my own Plume blog instance).

Please report any problems and bugs either under github issues or on this topic.


  • @bourgeoa I’ve removed the need for a .acl file as you suggested. Thanks!
  • I’ve been thinking I might make one more small enhancement: adding metadata to the HTML for link previews (eg when you share a link to your blog on twitter etc). I’ll look into that a bit. I was helped by an interesting chat with someone using a link shortener, which I suggested he reconsider due to privacy concerns. He was doing so for aesthetic reasons only and went into it in some depth for which I’m grateful because he’s pointed me to how to provide this feature. In the end he realised using a link shortener didn’t do what he wanted and has stopped using them. Win win! :slight_smile: