Symptom: Access to Main ("index") Page Denied for Owner's WebID When Setting Up a Solid Server on a Windows Machine

Take note of the fact that the links below are presented on an intermittently with intermediate interruptions, as a general rule between 20:00 and 07:00 GMT/UTC o'clock, and temporarily operated web server.

This is an update of the reference symptom overview: After the installation of a NSS prototype by the npm package manager, a command line client included as a recommended feature in Node.js; run-time environment installer that interacts with a remote registry, and independent of the server TLS/SSL certificate, I am hitting a solid:server Error page because of: { [HTTPError: Access to\index.html requires authorization]..., cf. Fig.8a and solid:server Error page because of: { [HTTPError: Access to\index.html denied for]..., cf. Fig.14, eventually making for No permission to access this resource: You are currently logged in as, but do not have permission to access, cf. Fig.13.