New decentralized social network, specialized in sharing public and Creative Common content

@walter.almeida It took me a while figure our what your Generative Objects system does, but I understand you take an existing Excel spreadsheet, and with th e help of some annotations to each column to tell the system about it, you then generate a (google forms like) web app automatically, which includes both the tabular list of items as well as an item editor screen.

Thank your for your presentation to solid world about making it work with Solid.

But the actual subject of this forum topic is specifically about a way of using solid to distribute videos (like the things people put on YouTube) across people’s pods so that they could collectively replace the central stores like YouTube and Vimeo. That sounds basically straight forward as you can store videos on solid pods. (The current data browser while very clunky does allow you to upload a video to a folder, and then to play you can with sounds files) So what we need is the social aspect around that. But the most interesting take-away for me from your post was that for video clips, we may need to build on top of solid a high level protocol for offering to store and serve other people’s videos under certain circumstances, and finding a copy near you of a popular video. And this to distribute server load and server capacity, and perhaps also give redundancy. This is much like what a Content Distribution Network does, but in our case you would share video storage through the social net. Interesting. Also interesting because you local computer or your local disk is the part of your solid pod configuration which needs to have a copy, so you can watch it without glitches. So it connects to Local first schemes, and also systems where your solid contacts are actually kept in many people’s pods for resilience and speed. Interesting.