Is Social Network, MeWe, Really Planning to Use Solid?

Thanks for clarifying, Tim. I ask because there is a group of us on Google+ who are looking to coordinate a mass migration of people off of that service and onto something else. Contrary to what the tech press has reported, there is a sizeable community there, many with excellent content. The disappointment with losing our investments in Google+ makes this group uniquely receptive to a platform that doesn’t just protect privacy but that is also decentralized (i.e. is resilient to the hoster shutting down).

I know things are still fairly early in Solid’s development, but I think that Google+ may represent an interesting opportunity to migrate a bunch of interesting people over to Solid. There are decent tools for extracting data using Google Takeout and a tool for importing Google data into Solid pods. It’s really more a question of what people might be able to do with that data once it’s ported over.

Google+ shuts down at the end of next August.